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  • Writer's pictureVicki Whitfield

Any unusual Clematis varieties planned next spring?

Updated: Sep 19, 2019

I am always looking for new varieties of plants to bring in to Sutherlands and have found a new clematis grower that I think you will love. I am ordering for next spring now and have selected 21 varieties that I have not been able to order before; unusual blooms including those that have a pom-pom like center, different colors, shapes and sizes. There are some that can take more shade and some that are not climbers but are more of a small bush. Some have very unusual drooping small flowers and some have big single or double flowers I think there should be something for everyone. For those gardeners liking Leucanthemums aka Shasta daisies I have also found some unusual varieties that stay shorter than our older types and can only be described appearing as if having very messy hair which should be a great addition. Also, another new vendor has one-gallon fruit and shade trees that we are bringing in and they also have a great selection of dwarf fruit trees in larger containers that will reach only six to eight feet tall perfect for small yards and containers. Both the clematis and daisies will be available in one-gallon pots next spring. At the store-We are receiving shipments of mums and other fall plants weekly to keep up with the supply needed for our unbelievable sales, if you have not signed up for the Sutherlands Garden Club on your cell phone you are missing out. Text and send here on your smart phone and I will respond to solve your lawn and garden questions.

Til next time,


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