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  • Writer's pictureVicki Whitfield

My yard looks bare in spots, I need to plant grass seed but how do I decide what type of grass?

Now that it is cooling off it is time to plant grass seed. Choosing the type of grass seed is more of a personal choice in Arkansas. For full sun and the usual foot traffic of an active family a Bermuda lawn is the usual choice, it will need irrigation in the hot summer and will not tolerate shade. For a lush green carpet with mainly full sun and light shade, zoysia is unbelievable; it is more expensive and will require more maintenance than Bermuda. Fescue and fescue blends are full sun and medium shade grasses, they will need more water than Bermuda but not as much over all maintenance as zoysia. Fescue is available in creeping and tall varieties. Not as popular but have been adapted for this area are centipede and Kentucky bluegrass.

For those needing a quick lawn whether for new construction or erosion problem annual rye grass is the grass seed of choice, it has fast germination and will provide a green carpet in a just a few weeks the drawback is it is a one season grass and requires mowing in the winter but can help control a problem until Bermuda or fescue matures to take over. Perennial rye will flourish every winter but fade in the summer heat. At the store-Mums, vegetables and other plants have arrived for the beginning of the fall season other vendors will have their fall plants available the middle of the month. Til next time,


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